
Home Birth with HypnoBirthing®

HYPMamasHUB Happy Client
I just wanted to let you know that Dom and I are proud parents to our daughter Cecelia June Ciaccio. She was 6lbs 12 ounces and 19 inches long. She was born peacefully at home Sunday November 25th with the help of my husband, midwife and doula as my support team. My labor was only 9 hours from the time my water broke to the time my daughter entered the world. It was such an incredible experience.
I used hypnobirthing as my main tool to get me through the intense times and wanted to thank you again for a great class. Apparently I was very quiet throughout my labor so no one knew how fast I was progressing.  In fact, it went so fast that the birthing tub was not filled up in time for me to get in it! We had soft relaxing music playing the whole time. I kept telling myself and my baby that we could get through this very natural experience and we both knew what we were doing. I would repeat that every time things got tough along with using the hypnobirthing breathing techniques. I walked around and used the yoga techniques while having my surges. Thinking back on my birth story I have such love and my heart is so full I could cry! It was truly such a wonderful blessing and Dom and I are so grateful for all of it.  I know that I would have not had such a great birthing experience if it weren't for your class.
Keeping myself focused on the fact that my body knew what to do played such an important role in deciding to have her at home. I owe it all to hypnobirthing. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Stephanie, Domenick and Cecelia Ciaccio

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