Our little one sure is keeping us busy!

HYPMamasHUB Happy Client
Our son Linus Fredrik was born on November, 5th. It took us 14 hours. To me, it seemed more like 8, to Franz it seemed like 20. :)
We were able to have the natural birth we hoped for. Was it the most painful experience of my life? Yes! By far! Did hypnobirthing help me? Yes, absolutely! I managed to refuse an epidural and medication to "help things along". It was suggested several times, since to our midwives, my surges didn't seem so strong.
I also stayed very calm, didn't yell at Franz, didn't whine or cry. I constantly remembered my birthing affirmations and heard in my head "every surge brings your baby closer to you" as well as "turn your birthing over to your body and your baby". :)
After eleven hours, the doctor came in and advised us to open the bag of waters manually since my cervix had not opened any wider for more than three hours. I agreed and was relieved because afterwards I really felt the birth progressing.
When he was almost ready to come out, the midwife allowed me to start pushing. I did once but realized that wasn't helping at all. I remembered how you described "the ring of fire", and I knew it wasn't time yet. So when I finally felt it 20 minutes later (very accurate description!), it only took three surges to push/breathe him out.
After the umbilical cord stopped pulsating, Franz was allowed to cut it.
Linus did not scream or cry. He looked at me intensely and cuddled up in my arms. The midwife told us that it was a very relaxed birth and that we have a very relaxed baby. This ist still true two months later. Linus is very sweet, curious, observant and does not cry much. He loves the sound of his own voice and tries to communicate in large variety of noises. Our midwife, who comes every week for weighing and checking in, and answering questions, is always impressed by the range of syllables he already "speaks". 
After the birth, the midwifes left us alone in the warm and dimly lit delivery room to get to know each other and for me to take a shower. Only two hours later, the pediatrician took a look at him and declared him healthy.
Three days later we left the hospital and started our new life as a small family. We are grateful every day for our healthy and happy little boy and to have experienced the birh like we planned.
Thank you so much Debi for preparing and teaching us! I have attached a photo of Linus (3 days old) wearing the little hat you gave him.
All the best and a great 2015 for you!
Annika, Franz and Linus

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